The release of Facebook’s Open Graph Protocol has spurred renewed interest in the semantic web. I give credit to Facebook for pushing forward an RDFa derived format onto the world wide web. In fact, RDFa is the least interesting part. Producing semantic data has been around for a long time. Most importantly, I give Facebook credit for focusing on the interesting part of the problem: consumption of semantic data.
Update (20100524): the owner of the video has removed it. That's the "beauty" of UGC.
Steve Jobs said reportedly that Flash is buggy and that it won’t make it to the iPad and iPhone. The same story was used for Java, a technology that Steve Jobs described as not worth going onto the phone. However, I call B.S. on Apple’s arguments. Apple has decided not to ship Flash and Java not because of the lack of intrinsic value and quality, but because if allowed these technologies would result in the vertical disintegration of the Apple platform.
Tomorrow, I’ll be flying to the US and leaving the UK. But this time, it’s different. Now, it’s a one way flight. But that flight is the end of a journey that started four months. A difficult journey full of live experiences.