Bruno's Journal

yet another triathlete CTO

Ruby on Rails and J2EE

I have spent some time over Christmas period playing here and there with Ruby on Rails and getting an overdose of AJAX. I really wanted to see whether all the hype and marketing from and associates makes any sense.

AJAX Performance

AJAX is the new pink. In fact, Web 2.0 could be the internet revolution that makes even Bill Gates wonder about the future of software. The enhanced usability in AJAX implies a couple of things for web applications.


Latest benchmark results on WebSphere 6.0.1 seem to indicate that SOAP/HTTP outperforms RMI/IIOP. Interesting, it makes me wonder if the reason comes down to IBM abandoning CORBA and placing the best developers on the SOA field. Otherwise there is really no other explanation I can think of. I’ll have to instrument some code to understand the why.

First Entry

Not my first blog, and likely not the last one. Sadly I lost my posts since 2000. Too many tasks, and short of time. Priorities change. And here I am on a new blog, tired of running my own. I don’t like the chores blogging, and I hate the whole ‘hoo, haa, I got trizillion hits’.