Bruno's Journal

yet another triathlete CTO

Extremely Aggresive Pricing Makes Google Apps Premier Edition Sexy to Small and Medium Sized Businesses

It seems like the SaaS media relationships departments have been busy since last night. Microsoft and BT are talking about BT Application Marketplace, Salesforce is hinting about its 25,000 user customer and Google is in fanfarre-mode with Apps Premier Edition. It’s a busy today for Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), but I am not sure it’s a coincidence but a follow up on last night’s rumour, now confirmed, about Google’s launch of Google Apps Premier Edition.

On Levying ISPs for DRM-Free Content

It should not be a surprise by now to see lawyers and politicians arguing bizarre things about the Internet. First, it was the infamous Senator Ted Stevens and his “series of tubes”, and now it is the Spanish Authors Association (SGAE) proposing to charge the ISPs and operators for illegal P2P downloads. Sort of a road-tax, but on the ISPs.

Rails, Django, CodeIgniter, Symfony Performance Compared

Surely performance is not the prime criteria for selecting a framework. Most people will say developer productivity, ease of maintenance, security and scalability are the most important factors.

Microsoft's Guidance on SaaS

Eweek reports about Microsoft’s architecture guidance on SaaS (Software as a Service). There is code, a video and a screencast released on MSDN which I highly recommend watching. Well done, Microsoft.

Corporate Technologities: Keep the Power On!

Any small startup that succeeds and grows to become a big corporation will suffer from technologitis, this is, the inflamation of technology and detachment from the business body.